Skaner Trios 3D wyprodukowany przez duńską firmę 3Shape (jednego ze światowych liderów oprogramowania CAD/CAM)


3D scanner

3D scanner technology constitutes a digital revolution in the world of dentistry. This is done by registering the prosthetic field in the patient’s mouth in the form of a 3D image. The scanner works with constant, very high accuracy, and an image of the prosthetic area is created on the computer screen in real time in natural colours.
Digital impressions improve clinical results and reduce the need for later modification of prosthetic restorations. Visualisation on the screen allows the dentist to make modifications during the scan and to create an optimal impression during the first attempt. The number of applications of this system is growing constantly. Thanks to its multifunctionality, in addition to performing digital impressions, the system is also used for diagnostics, presenting cases to patients, designing temporary restorations, implant restorations, and non-fixed restorations. The implementation of the digital model is faster, more accurate and above all more comfortable for the patient.