Prosthetic makeovers – crowns, bridges, veneers
Transformation 1
An example of comprehensive treatment including endodontic treatment and full prosthetic restoration with all-ceramic crowns in the anterior and metal-ceramic crowns in the lateral sections. A masterful piece of work by Dr Bartosz Cichoń.
Transformation 2
Comprehensive prosthetic treatment conducted by Dr Bartosz Cichoń. The addition of all-ceramic crowns in the mandible and maxilla allowed the patient to smile broadly and confidently again.
Transformation 3
In the first stage of treatment, tooth whitening was performed using the Beyond instant method, followed by prosthetic treatment consisting of all-ceramic crowns in the anterior section of the maxilla and metal-ceramic crowns in the lateral part of the mandible.
Transformation 4
The patient visited us because of the unsatisfactory shape and colour of their teeth in the anterior segment. In order to create a new smile, we performed a reconstruction with Procera all-ceramic crowns and veneers with improved aesthetics, thanks to which our patient can smile widely again.
Transformation 5
The patient visited after an accident, in which the incisal edges of the upper incisors were broken off. The problem was solved by using simultaneous shape correction and setting the neighbouring teeth using veneers with improved aesthetics.
Transformation 6
Another spectacular smile transformation made possible by Dr Cichoń. The beautiful effect was achieved thanks to crowns and all-ceramic veneers.
Transformation 7
A complete smile transformation that included conservative treatment, periodontal lengthening of teeth crowns, whitening and comprehensive prosthetic reconstruction. The maxilla teeth were enhanced using dental veneers with improved aesthetics, while the new appearance of the mandible was achieved using all-ceramic crowns.
Transformation 8
Comprehensive prosthetic treatment performed by Dr Bartosz Cichoń. The use of veneers with improved aesthetics in the anterior segments of the maxilla and mandible meant that the patient left our centre with a wide smile.
Transformation 9
An excellent example of team treatment, including alignment of the gingival line, root canal treatment and whitening topped with prosthetic reconstruction in the anterior segment of the jaw.
Transformation 10
Correction of discolouration and shape of the incisors using veneers with improved aesthetics.
Transformation 11
Thanks to the use of all-ceramic crowns with improved aesthetics, tooth discolouration after endodontic treatment is no longer a problem for our patient. The treatment was conducted by Dr Michał Kotnowski.
Transformation 12
The shape and colour of the upper teeth in the anterior section has been corrected with veneers with improved aesthetics, and in the lateral segment using all-ceramic crowns. To improve the aesthetics of the lower teeth, they were immediately whitened.
Transformation 13
An example of prosthetic reconstruction of anterior teeth with all-ceramic crowns with improved aesthetics.
Transformation 14
Correction of incisor discolouration and shape using all-ceramic crowns.
Transformation 15
Congenital enamel defect corrected with veneer with improved aesthetics.
Transformation 16
The process of treatment began with an immediate whitening, after which the doctor created veneers in order to correct the shape of the teeth and hide discolouration.
Transformation 17
The smile transformation performed by the Cichoń Dental Centre team completely changed the patient’s smile. Whitening treatment and veneers corrected the colour and shape of teeth, alongside improved aesthetics in the front area of the jaw.
Implant-supported prosthetic makeovers
Transformation 1
An example of full prosthetic rehabilitation, including the replacement of missing teeth with implants, all-ceramic crowns and veneers. Complemented with whitening of the patient’s own teeth.
Transformation 2
Another example of a combination of implant and prosthetic treatment. After implant placement, the patient received several endodontic treatments and the teeth were prepared for prosthetic reconstruction. After whitening, all-ceramic crowns were applied to the front teeth. This implant-supported prosthetic therapy was conducted by Dr Bartosz Cichoń.
Transformations in cosmetic dentistry
Transformation 1
The patient arrived with a broken tooth, and Dr Bartosz Cichoń discretely rebuilt the crushed incisor.
Transformation 2
The patient underwent a complete dental hygiene treatment, followed by immediate whitening. In order to achieve such a spectacular effect, tray-based whitening was also applied. The patient dreamed of a Hollywood smile, and managed to achieve an exceptionally satisfying end result.
Transformation 3
Immediate whitening. The patient came out smiling.
Frequently asked questions
What is implant-supported prosthetics? What is implant-based prosthetic restoration?
Implant-supported prosthetics is a crown, a bridge or a prosthesis attached to an implant. The implant is a titanium screw inserted into the bone, which replaces the root of the lost tooth. After its introduction, it is necessary to wait some time until the implant integrates with the bone and then the next stage, prosthetic reconstruction, can begin.
Is it true that you should fill in a missing tooth as soon as possible?
Yes, it’s true. The place left by the removed tooth is referred to as the “destructive gap”, because at the moment of tooth loss, the distribution of mandibular movement forces along the dental arches gets disturbed. A destructive process begins, which can have irreversible consequences:
– due to the tilting of the teeth in the direction of the gap between the teeth there are breaks – unsightly diastema, which cause inflammation of the gums;
– during the chewing of food, forces that cause the teeth to bend towards the gap are released, which disturbs the symmetry of the smile;
– the bone disappears in the area of the extracted tooth, and the next stage of this process is gum atrophy, which can significantly hinder the performance of aesthetically satisfying prosthetic restoration;
– due to lack of contact with the neighbouring missing tooth, teeth systematically move, which can lead to overloading (dental trauma knot), loosening, and in extreme cases even to the need for further extraction;
– moving of teeth leads to an abnormal occlusion, which may result in changes in the temporomandibular joint.
What is the best way to replace a missing tooth?
One of the best ways to compensate for missing teeth is with an implant-supported prosthesis in the form of crowns or bridges on implants. The advantage of filling missing teeth with implants is, among others, that there is no need to grind the teeth adjacent to the gap. In addition, implant treatment prevents bone atrophy in the absence of a tooth.
What is the process of preparing the crown / bridge?
After detailed planning and consultation on the treatment, teeth intended for crowns are filed down. At the same visit, intraoral impressions or scans are taken for future prosthetic work. In addition, temporary crowns are made to protect the filed teeth and allow you to enjoy your smile despite the ongoing treatment. After about 10 days, the prosthetic work is ready to be tried on for the first time. At this stage, the correctness of its execution, shape and colour is assessed. Once the aesthetic effect is fully approved, the, prosthetic work is permanently cemented in place.
How is a veneer different from a crown?
The main difference between a veneer and a crown is size. A veneer is a thin pad that is placed on the outer surface of the tooth. The crown is thicker, and requires the preparation of a larger amount of tooth on its entire surface. It is also worth noting that dental veneers are usually used for healthy teeth, to improve their aesthetic qualities. A crown often complements major deficiencies of the tooth’s own tissue. Most often, the doctor decides which solution is more beneficial to the patient.
How much whiter will my teeth be after whitening?
The effect of whitening is an individual matter, depending largely on the intensity and source of discolouration. The final colour is fixed 7-14 days after the procedure, while the effect depends on following the post-treatment instructions.
We start whitening by checking the initial colour of the teeth. Using the SpectroShade device, we take several pictures of the teeth, so that we can then compare their colour before and after the procedure. Fillings, veneers and prosthetic crowns are not bleached and retain their colour. Therefore, old fillings or crowns should be replaced 2 weeks after tooth whitening.